



See - This is my struggle. Now before I release the pressure here, let me first say..... My husband is wonderful! I never (rarely) have to worry about going to a meeting, girl's night out, bunko, etc. Only when work, hunting and fishing get in the way!.... Anyway, he spends a lot of time with our kids, taking them places, spending time with all of us. You name it. But there is this one small THING! Now I know I should be thankful that he fed our kids, read to them and put them to bed. The omitting of this one small thing is so huge to me. I always tell my self "no expectations", then I come home and see the mess and it all goes out the door!

This is seriously the difference between most men and woman. He sees no big deal in this. He'll do it later - sadly later never comes (and yes I can say never in this instance-because Kevin says never is a really long time). I'm the type that can't go to bed until the dishes are done. I can't even cook a meal without a clean slate. I load the dishwasher as I'm making dinner. So once again we are back to before! And yes I got us there. Should I say this is unfair? I'm sure I could say a lot of things but the reality is that I love this guy and I said yes - good, bad and indifferent! And he had me with "Wow honey, the place looks great" when he got home tonight....


Steven said...

So sorry...I must disagree. It's a Personality difference and not a gender difference. I would bet that you even know some exceptions.

Nice pictures though...both of them

Shannon said...

Perhaps a personality difference, perhaps a product of how he was raised. When children grow up in a home where there are "girl chores" (i.e. dishes, laundry, cooking) and "boy chores" (taking out the trash, mowing the lawn) it carries over. My advice Sheesha, make sure Karlee knows how to mow the lawn and Kyle knows how to do a load of laundry. Break the cycle...