
Sidetracked Mama!

So here I am again not making good use of my time. This has been a topic of conversation in my house lately. Funny thing is I'm usually the one bringing it up! I told Kevin (my husband) that I was reading a new book called "Sidetracked Home Executives". This was last week when I started it, I'm on page 8 and have read 3 other books since I started it.... And here it is what feels like Monday even though I know it's Tuesday and all I've managed to do is some dishes, turn on the dryer and....Well I guess that's it. Oh and I did take the kids to school and work in my son's class for 2 hours. So see I have done somethings. Just not the things that need to be done or that I want to have done!

Anyway, back to the book. I happened to notice it on my bookshelf and pulled it down - obviously the title grab my attention. Not sure where the book came from (probably from the books my mother-in-law had) but it's first copy right date is 1977. The photo on the back just cracked me up - the authors are two sisters, and they are wearing the typical 70's outfits with typical 70's hair! Here is one more reason I thought I should read the book (from the back of the book) - "They started each day with the best intentions, swore that today they'd really clean their homes, get their kids' clothes in shape, and, for once, have dinner ready when their husbands came home from work, but...they never made it because they were SIDETRACKED HOME EXECUTIVES caught in the disorder of misplaced priorities, half-completed chores, and undirected energies. Two smart ladies who'd never used their heads in coping with their homes. So, they analyzed their lives, set up a rotating card system that scheduled their chores on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. They changed their attitudes, and it changed their lives. Now, with the understanding, humor, and patience of people who were not born organized, they show you how you can change yours!"

So are you inspired? Motivated? Life changing huh? We'll see...I just thought it was funny that this book was written in the late 70's - woman have been struggling for generations I suppose. I know I'm not alone - though I do think I'm in the minority....

Since quitting work and making the decision to once again be a stay-at-home mom I have struggled daily with this. This isn't something that has always been a problem for me. But definitely since I've had children....I never seem to finish anything I've started. I remember once I finally made the decision to not work anymore I daydreamed about all the organizing I would once again do - that has always been something I have enjoyed. My house would finally have order and I could do the crafting things I like doing. Well......I just haven't found the groove yet I suppose. But I'm staying positive - I'll get there!.... Maybe this book will be the answer I've been looking for - if I can get past page 8.....


Tricia said...

Sidetracked Home Executives... not sure I'll read it, 'cuz it takes me months to finish anything anymore, but I will definitely use it! Soon as I can kick the laundry piles out of the way, empty the dishwasher, wash the bottles, make Gus's bed...

Wait, that will be the new phrase I'll use when I have to fill out those forms that make me list my occupation!

Shannon said...

Hmmm, so are you really interested in the struggle women have faced through generations? Read the Feminine Mystique for a truly life inspiring essay on women and the home. Love the blog Sheesh, you are doing great!