
Happy Birthday Baby!

I can still remember this day exactly from seven years ago. At this time (2:15 PM) we were just getting into the room at the hospital. I remember not really knowing what would actually happen. I remember telling my sister early in the morning that I thought today was the day and she left to go to Westwood to pick up my 16 year old niece who was going to view the birth (we called it good birth control). Anyway I called my husband around 9 AM and told him that the pain was about every 5 minutes and he said he'd finish things up around the office and come home. I called my mom who had spent the weekend with me as Kevin had been out of town, she'd gone home on Monday and here it was the next morning and it was time - I guess it was all the walking around Costco we'd done the day before. I then called my mother-in-law at work and told her she'd need to come to the house and watch Karlee as it was time. Of all days, she car pooled and didn't have a way home. My sister called about 10 AM to tell me that she'd had road construction all the way up there but that she was on her way back and she'd get there as soon as she could - I told her that Shannon would have to stay with Karlee until Saralee got there from work. Around 10 AM I called the doctors office and explained that the contractions had been every 5 minutes for the last hour. She told me that I'd need to get the hospital before too long. About an hour later Kevin still wasn't home and I called him again as now I was doubling over with each contraction and he said he'd be there before too long. My sister got there around 12:30 and Kevin was still not there. We were considering leaving without him but he finally got there about 1:30 and they jumped into the car and off we went - I remember how weird it was driving down the street towards the hospital in the middle of the day - everyone carrying on in there normal lives as we were on our way to bring a new life into the world. Strange! Anyway the nurse checked us into the room and left us and then the pain was really coming. My sister went out into the hallway looking for the nurse because she thought I was ready to start pushing and the nurse came back into the room like a 1/2 hour later and she was like "oh, I guess we better get the doctor here". At one point my sister whispered into my ear that she had a meeting to go to at 5:30 and could I hurry it up a bit. And sure enough there was my beautiful baby boy - Kyle Warren, 7 lbs. 8 oz., 21 inches, born at 4:08 PM. The nurse said at one point that it was a good thing I got into the car at the time I did or I might have had my baby at home.... I got to hold Kyle before they cleaned him up and it was amazing. I think I knew it was a boy the whole time. It was the same for me with Karlee - I was sure it was a girl the whole time. We didn't have any girls names picked out. Just Kyle - and so there it is......He's my love!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I remember! And I wrote this in my journal, "What a day we had yesterday! Kyle Warren was born at 4:08 PM and I arrived at just that moment. What a wonderful experience!"

Kyle was surrounded by family at birth.

Thursday, August 16, 2007 6:38:00 AM

Shannon said...

I remember eating a turkey avocado sandwich from Kona's through most of the actual pushing. But I was there for ya! Good birth control? After constantly babysitting four younger siblings, I think I had plenty of that! And Mom didn't come pick me up, I had my Jetta and my license by then, right? Anyway, I can still remember seeing him, and he was such a beautiful sweet baby, from that very moment on. Thanks for letting me be there :) And now that sweet little boy is all grown up, how did that happen?!?

Sheesha said...

Denise will have to clarify but I remember her going to pick you up!...And me waiting for someone/anyone to come to my house.....